Those preparing for the IBPS online exam may already be familiar with the fact that the exam is conducted through a web application on a computer allocated to them at the IBPS exam centre. However, naturally, they may have questions regarding the exam process, such as how to take the IBPS online exam, the user interface of the exam portal, and the steps involved in participating and completing the exam. Fortunately, IBPS provides a demo of the IBPS exam on their website, which candidates are advised to take to familiarise themselves with the platform before appearing for the actual test. In this article, we will go through the steps of the IBPS online exam using the mock demo test provided on the official website, aiming to provide clarity and guidance to aspiring candidates.
IBPS online exam checklist: Process before attending the exam
Candidates who have applied for the IBPS exam, whether it be for Clerk, PO, RRB, Specialist, or any other cadre, for the first time would be eager to know the procedure involved in the exam. They may have concerns about what happens at the exam centre and how candidates participate in an online exam. They may also be unsure about what documents to carry when heading to the IBPS exam centre and what items are allowed inside the exam hall. Hence it is essential to go through a checklist and prepare themselves before reaching the venue. This section will clarify these doubts before touching upon the IBPS online exam demo and the steps involved in the computer based test.
IBPS Online Exam Checklist | Articles allowed | Things not allowed at the lab |
Download and print the IBPS call Letter. Id proof (given during application) and marriage affidavit (in case of surname change) Check for name/signature mismatch in the admit card. Confirm the centre location, decide on travel plans, and book a stay if required. | Pencil & Eraser, Rough paper (Provided), Ball-point pen. | Bluetooth devices Mobile Phone Calculators Papers, etc. |
How IBPS online exam is held?
When you arrive at the venue, you will find direction boards and arrows pointing towards the building where the IBPS online exam is held. You will also face IBPS executives who will check your ID proofs, and they may scan your fingerprint for verification before directing you to your exam station. Check the notice board for the computer lab and the seat allocated to you, and proceed to that location.

Then provide your call letter to the invigilator, who will verify it and guide you to the allocated system. Follow their instructions to put your thumb impression and signature in the attendance register. Additionally, write down your roll number on the photocopy of your call letter and the provided rough paper. Now you are ready to attend the IBPS online exam. A demo of the IBPS exam window you will face at this point is given below, with a detailed explanation of each aspect.
IBPS exam demo: Link to official online mock test
IBPS is aware that new candidates may be unaccustomed to the online exam process. Therefore, they have introduced a demo of their exam engine by logging in to their official website, This mock test serves as a simulated version of their original exam engine, replicating the experience of the IBPS exam centre and allowing candidates to familiarise themselves with the platform and question style before attending the actual exam.
Please note that the original interface you see on the IBPS online exam day may be slightly different from the mock test portal, as the former undergoes frequent modifications and updates. However, you can definitely rely on this official demo from IBPS to familiarise yourself with the display and navigation of the original PO, Clerk, RRB and Specialist (SO) online exams.
How to take the IBPS exam online (online interface demo)
Now, let’s take a closer look at the IBPS online exam portal and what candidates can expect when they sit in front of their allocated PC at the IBPS exam centre. Here, you will learn about the login process, menu options, and how questions are presented, and you can answer them.
Going to though the IBPS exam demo, and trying it it will definitely help you feel more confident and prepared for the actual exam day, when you see something like as shown below.
- Get access to your system and login to IBPS online exam portal
Once you are seated in front of the system allocated to you, and the exam begins, the portal will automatically fill in your IBPS user ID. Now, input your password and click Sign In’ You can use the on-screen keyboard to enter your passcode.
- Confirm that your IBPS profile details are correctly loaded
Before you commence solving your IBPS online test questions, it is essential to thoroughly review and confirm that the system has accurately fetched your profile details. As shown in the screenshot, carefully verify your photo, exam subject, and IBPS roll number. If all the information is accurate, click the “Confirm” button to proceed to the next page.
- Read the IBPS instructions for taking the online exam
Now, the IBPS test screen will present you with the instructions for the exam. You have the option to view the directions in either Hindi or English, based on your preference. It is important to thoroughly read the guidelines provided across multiple pages, utilising the “Next” button to navigate through them. Once you fully understand the instructions, check the tick box, and click the “I’m Ready to Begin” button to proceed.
- Sign in to the IBPS online exam window and start answering.
That takes you to the IBPS online exam platform. Here, you will find multiple-choice questions displayed on the screen, as shown below. You can attempt each question, skip it, or move on to a random one using the question palette on the right-hand side. Additionally, you can select sections/subjects from the top left corner of the interface and access instructions, view the time left, and change the language. The user interface of the IBPS online exam may seem outdated by current standards, but rest assured that you have all the essential tools to navigate through the exam and submit your answers.
- Verify all answers using the palette and submit the exam.
As mentioned earlier, the IBPS exam app uses a question palette with different colours. Green indicates questions that have already been answered, Red appears on questions that have been viewed but not answered, Purple marks questions that have been marked for review, and Grey indicates questions that have not been attempted yet. You can tap on the palette to navigate through the questions, verify their current status, and update them as needed. As the time ends, the answers will be auto-submitted, but if you have a descriptive paper, you can submit the objective section early and move to the next one.”
- Finally, complete the descriptive questions (essay & letter) if attending IBPS Mains online exam.
IBPS’s online exam dashboard may slightly differ from the demo version if you have descriptive questions as a part of your exam, which usually come in the Main exam. In that case, you may be required to write a letter and an essay. This section needs to be completed after submitting the objective or multiple-choice questions, and IBPS will provide clear instructions on how to approach the descriptive model questions.
You can choose between the Essay and Letter and pick a topic from the listed options. The UI has many glitches, but you can manage it with the keyboard using Arrow, Shift, and Enter keys. Please ensure that you focus on staying within the permitted word count and time allowed.
Have a look at the illustration of the IBPS descriptive writing exam interface since the official mock test is old and doesn’t include this new change.
So that’s all about how you take IBPS online exam for Clerk, PO, RRB and Specialist. Check the link to( IBPS online exam mock test) above and go through the whole process before getting your hands wet at the testing venue.
IBPS Online Exam procedure: General FAQs
The number of questions and time allocated for each exam depends on the specific IBPS exam you are planning to write. For IBPS prelims exams, there are usually around 60 questions to be completed within 60 minutes of time. However, the number of questions and time allowance can vary for exams such as PO (Probationary Officer), RRB (Regional Rural Bank), and Specialist exams, particularly for their Mains exams, where the number of questions can range from 100 to 150, depending on the cadre you are applying for. Regardless of the exam, you can easily find the timing, subjects, and number of questions for each IBPS recruitment from the official notifications.
While there is no specific dress code for the IBPS online exam, it is advisable to dress in a manner that does not draw attention or raise suspicion from invigilators. It is best to avoid wearing caps, accessories, or clothing that may prompt special observation from IBPS’s examiners.
You are permitted to bring a ballpoint pen, pencil, and eraser to the IBPS exam centre, and if needed, rough paper for calculations and note-taking will be provided at the lab. Please remember to carefully follow the IBPS rules regarding the use of rough paper as instructed by the invigilator.
IBPS has a negative marking system for all their exam having objective model questions, with a penalty of 0.25 marks, that will be deducted from the total score for each incorrect answer.
You are not permitted to leave the IBPS online exam centre for any reasons other than emergency medical conditions. Once the exam has started, you are required to remain in front of your system, even if you have completed answering. As even comfort breaks are not allowed during the exam, it is important to ensure you have replenished yourself with water and used the restroom before entering the exam hall.
You can use both the mouse and keyboard for the IBPS online exam. However, there may be restrictions on their usage, which will be communicated in the instructions while accessing a particular section.
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